Micro Coils and Compact Coreless Generators from Kochi JAPAN

What’s New:

We will exhibit our products at N-EXPO 2025
(New Environmental Exposition 2025)
Date: May 28 (Wed.) to 30 (Fri.) 2025
Venue: Tokyo International Exhibition Center (TOKYO BIG SIGHT), East Halls 1 to 6 and outdoor.

Our emergency power unit SKY-EPU2400 has been chosen as Kochi Prefecture Disaster Management Product. -高知県防災関連登録製品(6高知防産第8号) -Nov 12, 2024


We are a coil manufacturer deep in the mountains of Kochi Japan, specialized in precise and micro coils. We also work on environmental issues and disaster management by making products such as compact generators and emergency power supply units.


A long established coil manufacturer

Sky Electronics has been making coils needed by various products since early 1980’s. If you need any help with coils, please ask us!

Use of sustainable energy

Our coreless generators can turn things around us such as breeze, stream of water or even factory exhaust into useful energy.

Let’s prepare for disasters

We make emergency power units that can be used by anyone and at anytime.