About us

We have been moving with the times.
We are sure you’ve all used a product with Sky Electronics’ coils in it at one time or another…

Company Profile

Name of company:Sky Electronics (株式会社スカイ電子)
CEO:Takakazu Hirobayashi (廣林 孝一)
Head office plant:1380-56, Higashi-ohnaro, Shimanto Town, Takaoka-gun, Kochi 786-0027, Japan →Access
TEL:(+81) 880-22-3993
FAX:(+81) 880-22-2332

Yonago Lab:1F Yamazumi Building, 316-4 Kumantou, Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture

Sales Company(Sales Service):EG SKY (EG スカイ株式会社)
Address:3-5-23 Sakura-machi, Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama

Business Line

Wind power generator, Hydroelectric power generator, Control Unit,
Bicycle generator (Enetre), Exhaust wind turbine
Micro coils, Precision coils, Special coils, Magnetic sensor coils, Flat wire coils

Capital stock: 37 million yen
Established: March 1987


1987JanEstablished Sky Electronic Industry and started DD coil production.
MarReorganized as Sky Electronics (株式会社スカイ電子) with capital of 5 million yen.
JulyPrinter coil production begins.
1988FebExpand facilities to accommodate DD coil production.
MayStarted production of linear motor coils.
JuneIncrease capital to 10 million yen.
AugStarted production of VTR sensor coils.
DecVoice coil production begins.
1989JulyExpand facilities to accommodate increased production of printer coils.
AugBegan production of injection coils for automobiles.
OctOhnaro Plant to be newly established to accommodate production expansion.
NovStart production of CD pickup coils.
1990FebStart production of HDD coils
JuneCapital is increased to 15 million yen.
1991FebExpand facilities to accommodate increased production of HDD coils
JulyExpansion of Ohnaro Plant to accommodate increased production.
1992SeptIntroduced new CD pickup coil model and automated production line
NovInstallation of automated HDD coil production line
1993JulyExpanded Ohnaro Plant No. 2 and consolidated the main plant into the Ohnaro Plant.
OctInstall a rigid injection molding machine
NovVTR capstan coil molding goes into production
1994JanStarted production of HDD rotor molding
1995OctReduced production of CD pickup coils
1996MayBegan production of DD coils for telecommunications equipment and expanded facilities
JulyBegins production of choke coils for telecommunications equipment
1997MayCapital participation in PRONEC(THAILAND)CO.
1998MarHDD rotor molding and production to resume.
1999JanBecame a certified company under the Law for the Promotion of Creative Activities of Small and Medium Enterprises
AprParticipated in a joint industry-government-academia local clean energy committee
2000JuneCapital increased to 20 million yen.
2001AugStart trial production of small generator for wind power
2002FebCompletion of the first SKY-B350 small generator for wind power
MayPRONEC(THAILAND)CO.,LTD. capital withdrawal
2004JanOuter Rotor Generator begins external sales.
2006NovStarted sales of Hybrid Evacuation Guidance Light
2007OctCompleted “Enetre” bicycle power generator
2008JuneCompleted H series outer rotor generator
2009MarCompletion of the first 20kW generator SKY-MG450W4
Started sales of inner rotor generators
JulyCapital increased to 25 million yen
2010JanBellsion Sky Evacuation Guidance Lamps go on sale
MayCapital increased to 30 million yen.
2012AprYonago Lab opened. Started development of electronic control for generators.
NovControls for generators:Controls for solar power generators Completed and put on sale
2013JanStarted sales of Solar Sky evacuation guide light
2014JunCapital increased to 37 million yen.
2024JulyStarted sales of emergency power supply units